Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Oil prices jumped to $ 147.27 per barrel

Oil prices still going up .. even it drop little .. so it seems as a waves .. little drop.. then more jump to the top of the next wave ..but for the long run ..if we took the mean rate between the lowest points of the waves and the higest points of the waves .. we found straight line going steady up and more up .. to make a new records always in the oil crazy market .. which without control till now ..

So last saterday .. it reach $ 147.27 .. remember we are still in summer .. so what will be happened when winter comming after just few months ..

I think still no escape from the target $ 200 before the end of 2008

Why i think so .. becouse there is no sharp increase of the oil production matching the increase of consumption of the industrial countries .. and the sharp increase of oil consumptions of both China and India .. which affecting so badly of the oil market prices .

2nd point is still the value of the dollar is in the lowest level .. and as we know the economics of oil is very tight with the amirican dollar ..

3rd point is still there is alot of political resons behind the crazy increase of oil prices

4th point .. and it is also logical point is that the oil production .. it reached to the maximum already .. and the next 20 or 30 years will be dropped gradually .. so the future it is not with the oil .. as the main souurce of energy .. that is why the big industrial countries .. looking now to improve and support the production of bio fuel .. or what it called ethanol .. E-85

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