Saturday, 28 June 2008

I win 7385942 sterling pounds in just 2 weeks !!!!

Since i win the false $ 2.5 million fund in an african bank .. through my e mail ... the story which i published it and ended in 3rd of june 2008
I discovered that my e mail is the most lucky e mail last 2 weeks in many lotteries which allow me to win more than 7 millions of sterling pounds .. so funny really .. all the countries discovered suddenly that my e mail so lucky and all want to send alot of millions to me ..
Even one company the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY .. sent to me 4 times in the last 2 weeks for sum of 4364008 sterling pounds ... you see how much my e mail so lucky .. and all companies and groups of lottery want to send there millions to me ..
Is the life so easy like that ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lovely let us check the messages sent to my lucky e mail .. by the way it is

UK National Lottery,P O Box 1010 Liverpool,L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOMWINNING PARAMETERSFINAL NOTIFICATIONDear Winner,We wish to congratulate and inform you on the selection of your email coupon number which was selected among the 6 lucky consolation prze winners Your email ID identified with Ref : L/400-26932 and was selected by our E-games Random Selection System (ERSS) with entries from the 50,000 different email addresses enrolled for the E-game you have been awarded the sum of (£2,000,000) You are to contact the claims agent with the following details for the release of your winnings.Claims Requirements:1.Name in full:.........................2.Home Address:.........................3.Age:..................................4.Mail Address:.........................5.Occupation:...........................6.Amount Won:...........................7.Phone Number:.........................8.Present Country:......................9.Sex:..................................10.Marital Status:......................Customer Support UnitUnited Kingdom Lottery FiduciaryContact Mr: Mack WilliamsContact E-mail:processingclaims@btinternet.comMrs.Marry James.©Co-ordinators Manager.United Kingdom National LotteryCOPYRIGHT © 1994-2008 ALL RIGHT RESERVED

UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.THE MARINA HEIGHTS,ENGLAND.We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded UK NATIONALLOTTERY ONLINE PROMOTIONS draws held on the 19th of June, 2008.The online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 21,000email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advancedautomated random computer search from the internet. NO TICKETS WERE SOLD.After the automated computer ballot, your email address emerged as one of thewinners in the category "A" with REF Nos:UK/9420X2/68.You have therefore won a cash prize of £864,008.00 GBP (Eight Hundredand Sixty-Four Thousand,and Eight British Pounds Sterlings).Your prize award has been insured with your email address and will betransferred to you upon meeting our requirements, statutoryobligations,verifications, validations and satisfactory report.TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE,CONTACT THE CLAIMS AGENT:======================================Eric SvenssonEMAILS: ericsvensson12@gmail.comTEL: +44-704-572-0271FAX: +44-700-606-1034======================================NOTE: You are to keep all lotto information away from the general publicespecially your reference and ticket numbers. This is important as cases ofdouble claims will not be entertained.NOTE: You are to forward the following information to the claims agent:UK NATIONAL LOTTERY CLAIMS APPLICATION FORM-C============================================WINNING EMAIL__________________NAME OF WINNER__________________________CURRENTADDRESS_________________COUNTRY/NATIONALITY______________AGE_____ SEX_____________MARITAL STATUS___________OCCUPATION_______________TEL_________AMOUNT WON__________________====================================CONTACT AGENT ERIC SVENSSON:EMAILS: ericsvensson12@gmail.comTEL: +44-704-572-0271FAX: +44-700-606-1034====================================Congratulations!!!DR.

Contact Mr. Pinkett for the claim of £500,000 pounds which you havewon in UK NATIONAL LOTTERY. Provide your Names,Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country Send: mr_pinketgriphin@yahoo.comRegards,Mrs. Helen Anderson.

UK NATIONAL LOTTERY BOARDONLINE NOTIFICATIONContact Mr.Pinkett Griffin for the claim of £1.000.000pounds which you have won in UK-LOTTERY COMPANY.Provide your Names,Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country.Email:infodepartment@btinternet.comSincerely,Mrs.Rose Woods.UK NATIONAL LOTTERY

THE CAMELOT GROUP,operators of The National Lottery.3b Olympic Way,Sefton Business Park,Aintree, Liverpool ,L30 1RD.WINNING NOTIFICATIONThe United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the resultsof the E-mail address ballot lottery international program by GreatBritain held on the of 20th of June 2008.Your mail account have beenpicked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred and ninty-onethousand,nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds £891,934.00pounds sterlings)in cash credited to file REF NO.REF:UKL/74-A0802742008.This is from total prize money of GBP4,459,670.00 shared among the FIVE(5)international winners in thiscategory.The selection was made through a computer draw system attachingpersonalised email addresses to ticket numbers.The draws registered asDraw number one was conducted in Brockley,London United Kingdom on the20th of June, 2008.These Draws are commemorative and as such special. Please be informed bythis winning notification to Contact your fiduciary agent Mr Phil Herald,with the information listed below.Mr Phil Herald.Camelot GroupHead Winning Claims Dept.Email:cgcpu101@googlemail.comTel: +44 703 199 7681Ref Num:Winning Numbers:Amount Won:1. Full Names:2. Home Address:3. Age:4. Sex:5. Marital Status:6. Occupation:7. Phone numbers:8. Country:Accept Our Congratulations once more.Sincerely,Mrs. Vanessa ThompsonOnline Coordinator.THe Camelot Groupoperators of The National Lottery

Dear Winner,This is to inform you that you have beenselected for a cash prize of £550,000.00 (five hundredand fifty thousand British Pounds) International programsheld on the 26th June 2008 in London Uk.For claim proccess you are to contact our lotteryfiduiciary agent with the below information.BMW LOTTERY DEPARTMENT UK7 DOCK WAY, SEFTON BUSINESS PARKLONDON, T40 4RTUnited KingdomContact KEN HUGHESE-mail: HUGHES@Dores.comEndeavor to provide him with the followinginformations;Names:.....Telephone/Fax number:Nationality:....Age:....Occupation:Contact him and please providing him with yoursecret pin code x7pwyz2005, your Reference NumberBMW:2551256003/23 and your personal information.NOTE: Winners are to keep their winning confidential.Yours SincerelyWalter ColeTHE DIRECTOR PROMOTIONSBMW.

E.C.O.WA.S HeadQuarters,Social Dev./Funds Remittance Dept.Graki,Abuja.Nigeria.Dear beneficiary,Your email account has emerged a lucky winning account of a check of 80,000 pounds in the E.C.O.W.A.S(Economic Community Of West African States) donations.This program sponsored by E.C.O.W.A.S is the first of its kind and isaimed at eradicating poverty in Africa and also towards educational and societal development by reducing unemployment in Africa.Your email account was randomly selected from a database of over 250,000 email account from the African Continent by a computerisedemail selector.You are hereby urged to please make good use of this funds allocated toyou by investing so citizens can be employed.We hope to make ourContinent a better place through this promo.NOTE:E.C.O.W.A.S will demand an account of how you have invested thisfund after six (6) months from today.Charges for delivery by FedEX courier Service West Africa Region has been paid.The only fee you will be sending to FedEX is the Security keeping feeof the check.E.C.O.W.A.S would have paid for this fee but was concerned about thetime you will contact FedEX for delivery incase of demurrage.You are advised to keep all informations about your prize strictlypersonal to avoid imposters.All you have to do now is contact the Dispatch Officer FedEX CourierService with his information below:NAME:Paul OsaroWest African Office Edo State Nigeria.Email:fedex_courierserviceltd@live.comYou are to provide him with your information i.e name,address,telephone,etc so he can provide you with details of how your check will be delivered to you.You can also contact the Attourney General of E.C.O.W.A.S Mr.Segun Johnsen (S.A) if you desire more Adams

Your E-Address was selected online in this week's AWARD PROMO.Your draw has a total value of £1,500,000. Please acknowledge the receipt of this mail with the details below to :Mr.Edison Walker.Contact E-mail:edisonwalker_office01@yahoo.deClaims Requirements:1.Full name:2.Home Address:3.Age:4.Sex:5.Marital Status:6.Occupation:7.Phone Number:8.Nationality9.Country Of Residence

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